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I've been making art my entire life. As a young kid I dreamed about working in the comic book industry. Drawing versions of my favorite heroes and my own heroes, I created piles of original comics.


In junior high and high school I was heavily influenced by a new found love for both skateboarding and graffiti art.


Between comic books, graffiti and skateboarding my style developed as a completely self taught artist. I was able to get my foot in the door of the comic industry with the graphic novel Jenna Blue and the four issue mini-series Ramiel.


It was great to meet a childhood goal of having my artwork published in comic book form. I realized fairly quickly, though, that the reality of that industry was not exactly what I dreamed it would be.


I'm now focused on trying to get gallery showings, creating skate graphics for Weird Wood Skateboards and making art that will touch people. Whatever way that might be. Good or bad.


I'm open for commision work and would love to work with any galleries I can. To get in touch please visit my CONTACT page.

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